Overnight guests enjoy complimentary Spa access through April 10, Monday—Thursday after 3:00 p.m.! Book your wellness getaway today.

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  • Pool during sunset


Hydrotherapy is an ancient, almost unparalleled means of bringing the body back into equilibrium. Our Spa features indoor and outdoor complete hydrotherapy circuits, including four hot soaking pools, two cold plunges, two steam rooms, and both single-gender and co-ed saunas. Hydrotherapy is included with all Spa treatment reservations.

Please note that our hot and cold pools close thirty minutes prior to the Spa closing. Spa reservations are required to access the facility.

  • Contrast Bathing

    The healing contrast of hot and cold baths has been used for hundreds of years. Contrast bathing is the foundation of hydrotherapy, guiding you through a cycle of hot (or warm), cold (or cool), and rest.

1. Hot

Soak in a hot pool, rest in the dry heat of a sauna, or luxuriate in the humid heat of a steam room. For a warm—rather than hot—experience, take a tepid shower that covers the entire body.

2. Cold

Leave the hot pool and enter directly into the cooling experience—either a cold (or cool) shower, or cold plunge. If you choose a shower, turn the water as cold as you can stand.

3. Rest & Repeat

Rest for 15 to 20 minutes around one of the soaking pools, in the café, or by the pond. This important rest period allows your body temperature to equalize and enjoy the flow of endorphins. Repeat the cycle as desired.

Benefits of Hydrotherapy

Humans have a special affinity for water: from our cells to our organs and muscles, our bodies are mostly made up of water. Because of this, energy—in the form of heat or pressure—readily transmits through water to our bodies. Hydrotherapy helps to treat a wide range of physical symptoms:

  • Promotes detoxification
  • Aids in stress relief & relaxation
  • Bolsters immunity
  • Energizes the skin & circulation
  • Encourages joint & muscle pain relief
  • Enhances concentration and cognition

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