Overnight guests enjoy complimentary Spa access through April 10, Monday—Thursday after 3:00 p.m.! Book your wellness getaway today.

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  • Aurora Inn
  • E.B. Morgan House
  • Rowland House
  • Zabriskie House
  • Wallcourt Hall
  • Orchard Cottage
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Intention Oil Blending Ritual

Whether you wish to ground your energy or find more joy, this hands-on oil blending ritual will help you and move towards your authentic self. Based on your specific intention, follow a recipe of organic essential oils to create your customized blend. Take your aromatherapy blend home to enjoy, or allow our experienced therapists to incorporate your blend in any massage, wrap, or scrub at the Spa.

This activity is open to both overnight and Spa guests. Pre-registration is not required and costs $25 per person.