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  • Aurora Inn
  • E.B. Morgan House
  • Rowland House
  • Zabriskie House
  • Wallcourt Hall
  • Orchard Cottage
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  • Binoculars and bird book for birdwatching activity at Inns of Aurora.


With Sapsucker Woods at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to the south and the Montezuma Audubon Center to the north, Aurora is situated on a globally-important migratory path and surrounded by spectacular bird-watching sites and trails.

Ask for a pair of complimentary binoculars and one of our birding guides! We even have a suite of Hunter Boots ready to use if you plan to get muddy on your adventure. Depending on the time of year, prepare to see everything from Bald Eagles to Ringnecks, Hooded Mergansers, Shovelers, Mallards, Wigeons, and Canvasbacks.